#200: 1916
Parliament's recent decision to mark the 1916 revolt of the Kyrgyz against Russians as a memorial day in August sparked a small international row between Kyrgyzstan and Russia. Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on April 22 saying that his decision is "counterproductive to the current friendly relations between our country and people."
In 1916 ethnic Kyrgyz revolted against the Tsar's decision to draft the local population to provide rear service in the WWI. The Kyrgyz revolted killing thousands of Russian settlers. The Russian army responded accordingly. The Kyrgyz then fled the Russian army to China (most returned after the 1917 Communist Revolution). Estimates put the death toll at 150,000 Kyrgyz (roughly 30% of the population).
However, it is accepted that the draft was just a trigger to revolt against the oppression of the colonial Russia, who had been seizing the most fertile land from Kyrgyz (and Kazakh) and giving it to settlers from Russian during the previous 20 years. As a result by 1916, Russian settlers, who made 6% of the whole population of Semirechie (roughly Northern Kyrgyzstan and Southern Kazakhstan), owned 57.7% of all arable land, while the local population (94%) owned the remaining 42.3%. (Source)
The Russian government, subsequently the Russian people, including those in the former Soviet Union, are often nervous about admitting wrongdoings in its history, either by the Tsarist Russia or the Soviet Union.
This unwillingness to accept past mistakes has been counterproductive to the Kyrgyz-Russian relations.
estimate of 1916 victims is AT LEAST 150,000 deaths, but most probably hundreds of thousands more.
written by azamat
translated into arabic by abdelmoaty
القرار الأخير للبرلمان لجعل ثورة 1916 للقرغيز على الروس كيوم وطني
ورأت الادارة الروسية ذلك كتصرف غير بناء في العلاقة الروسية القرغيزية
في 1916 حاول الروس اجبار الاقلية العرقية للقرغيز للانضمام للحركة العسكرية الروسية غير أن القرغيز رفضوذلك و واجهوا المحتل الروسي في حرب شرسة أجبرت الجيش الروسي للانسحاب لحدود الصين غير ان القرغيز تكبدوا مائة وخمسين ألفا من مواطنيهم ( ربع السكان آنذاك)
رغم ذلك ربما نوافق أن ذلك كان الشرارة التي دفعت الثورة ضد المحتل اللروسي الذي نهب ارض القرغيز والقازاخ الخصبة عشرين سنة للروس
وبهذا كان الروس يملكون 57% ويتركون للسكان 42% فقط (شمال قرغيستان وجنوب قازاخستان )
ولكن الشعب الروسي و الحكومة الروسية مازالت تنفي أي ندم أو إقرار بالذنب نحو ذلك في الحقبة السوفييتية وما قبلها
وأنا أرى أن عدم قبول الروس كونهم مخطئين هو ما يفسد العلاقة مع قرغيزيا
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