Wednesday, October 10, 2007

#117: Imminent Elections

Parliamentary elections, following the referendum on October 21st, seem inevitable. Today's reshuffle is a clear indicator of this. Bakiev brought back his infamous ally Daniyar Usenov, former Vice-PM, as the Mayor of Bishkek, while moving Arstanbek Nogoev, one of his closest allies, to another, yet unknown, but surely an important position. Also he dismissed the Minister of Economic Development and Industry for failed efforts to battle the recent surge of price of wheat.

Yesterday the President and his lackeys also spoke at the national convention of teachers and the Minister of Transportation spoke at the 60th anniversary of the KyrgyzPost. These two events, widely covered by the National TV, had one thing in common - awards. Awards in Kyrgyzstan, like salary increases, are usually given when something big is coming up. Lots of rumors within the government and the parliament about parliamentary elections, which might actually happen as early as December 23.

AKIpress launched an interesting feature on political parties ahead of elections. These elections are important because for the first time in Kyrgyzstan elections will be based on party-lists and the winning party or parties will form the cabinet. The only problem is that AKIpress has not yet included the National Party of Unity and Labor (RBEP), which is the #1 pro-presidential party of all other pro-presidential parties. President's brother Janysh, who briefly worked as the deputy head of SNB (former-KGB), is actively involved in RBEP.

There is not a single party that I would like to vote for.


Anonymous said...

Azamat - great blog, and great site all around. I share your pessimism about the upcoming elections and referendum. It was only a matter of time before Usenov opyat' prepyorsya, so I'm not surprised to see him back. It's sad to see Bakiyev and his cronies taking the country down with them - it makes me nostalgic for Akayev.

Azamat said...

Thanks, Dan.
Well, it is sad, but I am not nostalgic for AAA, because he created the current situation. He was no angel, that is for sure.